This is more of a back story than a mission statement per se. But we wanted to share with you a little about our business philosophy.
Right out of college, Charlie interned in New York City at the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsability that called on companies to be responsible in their treatment of workers, respectful towards the environment and transparent with their customers.
Meanwhile in Brazil, Washington ran a school for Body Boarders & was the lead organizer of International Body Boarding competitions — that empowered youth from socioeconomic, disadvantaged backgrounds.
Later, as a teacher in Hawai’i, Charlie’s Contemporary Issues class raised more than $4,500, which was matched by an anonymous donor, for the Darfur Project. It was the largest contribution of any school nation-wide to mitigate Darfur’s on-going refugee problem.
Today, our small business believes that as we continue to grow, that paying it forward is more important than simply our paying ourselves.
We continue to seek ways to support school & community fundraisers, small business organizations, sustainability projects, & social justice campaigns.